Sunday, July 15, 2007

been really bz lately..the new job is time consuming & very deadline-oriented..but somehow i like wat i m doing..planing the promos & stuff like tat..haha..but i m still learning lah..too much things to learn liao..not easy..but i like the working environment & team members..but frankly speaking feeling a bit stressed on the work..hope i can adapt to the workload soon..keke..

ex-colleague called me up for a chat few days back..complained so much abt office, boss & stuff to me..telling me how stressed she feeling..poor gal kanna wat me & sharon kanna while working at VF..throwing all the things to u & expect that u'll finish everything in time & without mistakes..haha..she cant cope & nw the manager has to share her workload..when i was ard i rem i was doing all the wonder Sharon said that i m the only one who can survived in VF for such long time..picky boss, emotional manager, attitude store, back-stabbing accountant, etc...haha..really glad to hav left that place..even though my current job is much tougher & more stress, but i m feeling happier..really glad to hav left matter where i'll be, def happier than there..Sharon was congrating me when i tendered..haha..think those who worked at VF will leave wif anger..hahah..hope that SinYee can survive there..god bless her..

so back to my work..really hope that i'll learn as fast as possible..jia you jia hard..

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