Sunday, July 1, 2007

was sick from sat morning..woke up wif a fever..eyes feeling very warm & sore..whole body breaking apart..been feeling drowsy so actually went back to sleep after taking had been drowsy whole day..fri episode has been draining to me already..i really dun wish to think abt it anymore so i just try to sleep myself out of it for the whole day..

SY called and told me abt her issue..i felt worried for her so actually went out to meet her wif the rest..but on my way there he called..we ended up in quarrel again & this time round the tiff escalated to a fiercer episode..i ended up crying on my way there even til i met up wif my frens..i feel so drained..but i m still worried abt the end she has to come n console me..haha..weak me..had a few we were feeling really low..

I thought that i had already forgotten the pain..but no..the pain is still so vivid & real..i feel my heart tearing apart..i couldnt help but cry..but i dun think crying helps..i dunno how to describe the pain that i went thru..i really dunno..wat can i do now..stuck in delusion again..another nite of crying myself to long can i still take the pain? if only i can juz take away all the pains i m going thru wif a spell..*naive thinking*

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