Sunday, July 15, 2007

we have already sold our hse..if the buyer do not change her mind within 7days, our hse will be considered we gotta really look for a hse soon..if not sleep on streets..hahha..went to view a few flats le..only one we really like..but the owner asked for quite a high price..we've already made our offer for their consideration, now waiting for their answer..if agree, we'll sign the contract..if not, we gotta continue hunt for flats le..actually its troublesome to shift hse, but no choice..haiz..hope tat we can get things done asap if not v time consuming..mum is in a super foul mood for the whole issue..always throw tantrums at me..but i'll endure de..i noe she's having a hard time..i really gotta b understanding..hope that things can settle down soon..and we have to aviod the lunar 7th mth oso..argh..alot issues..think i m really goin to b busy for the 2nd half of the yr liao..

juz passed our anniversary..both of us bz wif our stuff so i assume he forgot abt it liao..dint wan to put any more stress on him oso so dint remind him abt it..2 days before anniversary i ask him if he'll b free on tat day he still say c 1st..seems like he forgotten abt the day..was abit sad but i m understanding enuf not to create nuisance & stress to him..but still i prepared the presents for him..a self-made CD & a Levis of anniversary was bz working the whole day,dint really contact eacg other oso..til 15mins before i knocked off, he sent me a msg..saying he'll b coming to pick me up fr work..then after meet up he nv mentioned anything abt the anniversary thingy..juz ask me where i wanna eat for dinner..seems like juz another normal day when we meet up for dinner..until i saw him drove towards ECP..i knew he muz b up to something the end, he said "u muz b thinking i cleanly forgotten abt it liao rite?" hahah..he said tat he did it on purpose, making me feel that he forgotten abt the date..keke..brought me to East Coast & we had our dinner at Long Beach..the food there r nice..but abit expensive leh..after tat went for a stroll at East Coast Park along the beach..reminds me of the period when we juz got together..haha..but i c him so tired liao i suggested to go back early..on our way back he took a big cute Pooh bear fr the backseat & passed to me..aww~so cute..i m a sucker for Pooh bear series..and this time round its the baby pooh series..sooooo cute~but i dun bear to hug the bear yet cos scared will dirty the bear..keke..he keep asking me to hug but i juz dun bear..heehee..when we reach the carpark downstairs, he asked me to open the car booth to take the clothes for him, but when i open i saw a big puzzle frame, within is a colage of our photos for the past yr..he actually started preparing that a wk ago..still pretend he forgot abt it..hmph..but i do feel sweet & touched..a weet surprise fr him indeed..keke..even though so much things bothering him lately he still made the effort to do all these..thanks dearie..muacks..u made my day!!

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