Saturday, October 3, 2009

Today is the big day of Yulei..invited us to her wedding lunch in JB..initially i was supposed to be going in with PY but her mama is feeling unwell (hope things will be alrite for her) so ended up i went in to JB all by myself..actually its kinda scary esp when i m all dressed up..but decided to go ahead cos i wan to be there to witness Yulei's bliss =) so i went ahead alone til msia custom to wait for Siewyee to pick me up as she stays near msia custom..had a tough journey bcos of the jam & weather =( we were already late for the function yet we missed the junction ended up driving a super long way to find another U-turn blur can we get?

The wedding venue is at Grand Straits Garden which is located along Danga Bay (how the hell did we missed it?) but we finally reached juz before the lunch banquet starts..saw alot of familiar faces but cant recall the names hahahah..but it was interesting to catch up with old frens..n some of them i've not seen since sec sch graduation!! had alot of catching up updating one another about pple we know..i realized alot of my sec sch frens got married this yr (maybe 09 is a good yr for marriage) scary~

During the conversation, they were talking abt me in the past & HJ mentioned "我们的小公主" lol hahahahah..think i was really pampered when i was young by alot of pple =P but hearing that now sounds funny..hmmm can i still be pampered like a princess? =P hehe..

Reached home with a bad headache & i think i m falling sick real soon..but instead of resting i m online loading pics on FB & watching clips on YouTube =X saw the latest concert clips of Super Junior..their Super Junior Premium live in Japan..i was smiling to myself when watching the clips =D for the whole of my life, other than andy lau, Super Junior is the only one that i'll go gaga for..they r simply fantastic!! *fighting~*
Anyone able to get their concert dvd for me?

Juz took panadol & cough syrup..think i better rest body seem to be breaking down..i really need quality rest..oh ya i have not rub my wound on the leg..argh!!

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