Thursday, October 15, 2009

This week has been a tough one for me..since last week i noticed rash on my face but it was mild so i decided to ignore it..but from the start of this wk, the rash got worse n by the time i realized my whole face is covered with itchy rashes..the itch was so bad that i couldnt stop scratching..til a point my face bleed from the scratching..everytime i look at myself in the mirror i feel very frustrated..cos my complexion became uneven & there r patches of skin peeling =~( will i be disfigured? feel so worried abt this..pls dun leave scars..

New head of dept decided to do something drastic & my best fren at work was the one being "axed" =( got the news yesterday evening..was v worried for her so decided to stay & acc her til her bf came n pick her up frm dampened our morale at work actually..sigh..

A fren's brother is dying due to brain cancer..he's only 30 yrs old & was diagnosed with it last he cant rem anything that happened more than 5mins back n cant take care of said he might go now, the whole family is juz 'waiting for his death' which is so sad & helpless..theres nothing else they can do now..
Life is fragile & anything can happen..cherish wat we have now & live life to the fullest..its really important to be happy so as to have lesser regrets the day u leave this world...

Ok i noe this post is filled with angst..i juz needed an outlet to ease how i m feeling now..women under stress is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to her probs, but rather seek relieve by expressing herself & being understood..i need a tight warm hug from the one i love to tell me everything's alrite..i need it now..

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