Sunday, September 20, 2009

Woke up early yesterday at his place & had breakfast with his mum while he was still sleeping..chatted for quite abit affected by the conversation but decided not to brood over it..
He woke up quite late so rushed to get his car then head back to office before he head to msia for his business trip with Raymond..on the way he wanted to buy lunch for me,but looking at the time i noe he was already very late so told him i'll settle myself..actually the nite before i was planning to have a good breakfast with him before he leaves for the trip, but i had no chance to tell him as he was back home very late, plus the fact tat dun wan him to rush..i should have juz said it out rite? silly me always keeping things to myself..alot times dint wan to say out cos i dun wish him to disrupt his work schedule bcos of me..sigh..where to find such a good gf~hahah..

Almost slept my whole sat away so woke up early today..called to book for facial appt at 3pm..cant rem when was the last time i went for a facial..need to pamper my skin more even though i think my complexion is not bad =P hehe..i love doing facials =) He juz msged me from msia asking if i've anything in mind to buy he'll buy for me..happy to get that msg =D i was hoping for something i can use or keep cos been quite sometime since i received those kinda presents frm him..actually at that point of time, i was hoping i can be there buying the things together with him =P

Asked my mum about the luggage issue..i really dun understand how come my mum can practise favourtism till such an extend..i really really dun understand =~( sob & she juz admitted to me tat yes she dun dare to lose temper at my bro at all even she's pissed off at the ridiculous requests he made..i know tat i shouldnt be too upset abt it..but i cant help when she is so 偏心..others will never believe how extreme her 偏心can get..n alot of times the words she uses can be very destructive..i think brothers r very bad for our self-esteem..
Anyway,watching 古灵精探's really funny & i love the pple working at D.I.E. hahahah =D their jokes can crack me up like nobody's business..but i had a frustrating time loading the videos..i want a new laptop!!!

I wished..i can have more chances to replenish my sleep like yesterday...
I wished..i made the right decisions in my life regardless of what aspects...
I wished..he will msg me more in everyday life when he has the time...
I mum will appreciate what i've done for her...

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