Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I suspect tat i had minor food poisoning or stomach flu..ever since sunday nite my tummy felt weird..n monday morning when i reached office i puked my breakfast out & felt giddy whole day..after lunch i again puked my lunch out..
Shir called me ard late noon heard tat i was like that she actually came over to my workplace to pass me isotonic drink & offer to send me back..wah, i think if she's a guy sure alot gals die in her hands =P hahah..

Went for company's sneak preview of the movie "Gamer" at Cineleisure last nite..i've 2 free tickets for the show so i asked him on monday nite if he's keen on watching it..actually dint pin too much hopes on him saying yes cos he has been busy..but he said should b ok unless he need to work OT cos he need to stay to lock the office after everyone yest afternoon i smsed him to ask if he still can make it but no reply..called him after work asked he said he replied ok to my msg but i dint receive it..haiz..he told me he still in office will rush down i went down wif Jan they all to collect the tickets 1st..

Reached Cine & collected the tickets..they actually gav us a free goodie bag consisting of AXN Beyond premiums..which i think i've most of them already =P he reached 10mins earlier so we met at level 6 to get food..we bought popcorns, nachos & skin-on potota chips (yes my tummy not feelin too gd so dun pity me if i puke myself to death hahah)

After the movie we were both so tired so decided juz to head straight hme..the movie was so-so..not as fantastic as i expected =( but nvm i enjoyed the process of watchin the movie =)

On our way back,his colleague called then i realized he actually left the office earlier & ask her to lock the office for him so he can make it for the movie premiere..upon hearing tat i felt bad for asking him to come so i actually said sorry to him..he looked stunned n asked me y say sorry cos not my fault..hmm i oso dunno y the sorry came out of me..he mentioned he promised me the previous nite he'll make it he will make it tat point felt happy & sweet cos i think i really love the feeling of promises being kept as i hated empty promises since young..
after tat i asked him if next time i've such movie premiere lobangs will he wanna come again? he said ok ah..which i think i was abit surprised cos i always tot he dun like to join my co i felt glad to hear his answer =)

I think i m happy last nite..and i think to most gals..when they feel loved, they love more in return isnt it..i'll hav to start to focus on the right things..i need & will use little things in life to sustain the positive feelings..

I hav to keep the faith tat i've started to get back bit by bit..I have to..

ooh..Shir msged me this morning..she got the job!! felt so happy for her!! =D she'll b starting her new job in Oct..i told her i'll 养 her for another mth then she say i m at advantage cos i juz 养 her for past half yr & she'll 养 me back for the rest of my life =P wahahahah..

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