Friday, September 11, 2009

I cant explain why but i suddenly had the urge to change my blog skin template..felt that the old template can be easily associated wif stuff in the past tat i dun wish to think about..n to a certain extend i felt tat a new blog skin signifies a new start from this point of my life..

I chose a simple blog skin & hope tat i'll light up this blog with my entries..I instantly felt better & soothed after seeing the new blog skin =) i hope that my blog will b a place where i pin down my thoughts & happenings in life, not juz an outlet to vent my frustrations when i dun feel like talkin to anybody..i hated reading my posts backwards cos everytime when i do so i felt the pull at my i juz set my blog homepage settings to show entries that r after the very low period of my life..bcos this thing called emotions, i dun really wan to feel it anymore..

I realized i really need to focus on the right things..there r some things in this life that r important & a whole lot that arent important..we r responsible for everythin in our lives..we create our experiences by our thoughts n our person, no place & no thing has any power over us..when we create positive feelings in our mind,we'll find it in our lives..I have the power to choose what i want to think..n we all need to have faith in life..i feel that faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can,when fear knocks at ur door, answer it with faith..

I treasure this moment now when i m feeling good & i m going to be here..not anywhere in the past..i will b a better person..for myself & the pple around me who really care for me..
n i hope pple around me will cherish me as wat i am..

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