Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Its feels wonderful to be feeling good about urself..been a long time since i felt so..but i had that feeling again yesterday..why do i say so? cos i had a crappy day..not enuf sleep since Macau trip, came back still cant get to sleep, both legs injured cos i fell off the stairs n the pain is killing me, bad cramps n pms, etc..for all these i m supposed to be feeling like shit rite? but i fact i felt good abt myself & all these doesnt stop me from feeling happy..even when i was walking back home last nite, i felt the way i carry myself reminded me of wat i was in the past..i hope that me is really coming back..if thats the case i'll be super super super happy!!! =)
I've to make sure this positive feeling last till i m fully ok~

He called to ask me about my leg injury despite being with his dad & customer drinking..was surprised cos its been quite long since he did that during work..really heart-warming.. brought a smile to my face after i put down the phone hehe..oso said he'll helped me wif it tonite..whee~ =D Anyway, yesterday my dad rubbed it for me & i was literally tearing in pain..i cant rem the last time i teared due to pain..that was how painful my wound is =~( screamed when daddy rubbed it & think i heard mum laughin from the toilet when she heard my screams..duh~but still i m glad that i have my loved ones taking turns to help me wif the injury cos i dun dare to rub it myself..the pain is too intense for me to take..

My injury..the whole area was dented (think i hurt the bone) & the bruise covered such a big portion of my left leg..i have not mention the sprain on my right ankle..the real thing looks scarier than the picture actually..hahahah.. (ay why am i laughing about this~ fainted)

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