Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ever since my mum's call i've been pondering should i still go for the Macau trip..feeling abit sian =( Shir called last nite, said she did the calculations, ask me not to worry & go ahead wif the trip..scolded me tat i've deprived myself too much for too long already..its juz a short trip wif the gals to relax & i deserve the think i'll still go for the trip..

Been wantin to tell him abt it but no chance cos he was wif customers last nite..sometimes feel like sharin more stuff wif him, but his work is busy & taxing so i always tell myself to be understanding not to giv him any further stress..i'll always wait before updating him my stuff cos i dun wan to disturb him when he's working..m i askin for too much if i wish tat we can communicate & talk more? another thing on my wish list is to go for overseas trips wif him, i noe its tough given his hectic schedule..i hope this wish will come true someday =)

I noe this sounds silly..but these thoughts suddenly crossed my mind..i wish i can b well taken care of..i wish i dun need to worry so much for my family..i wish that i m pampered like a princess by my loved ones..i supposed this is the 小女人side of me..but well its silly lah..its juz some random thoughts haha..cos i noe i should be jolly well takin care of myself & i m capable of doing so..

Anyway, this picture was taken quite sometime ago..
Love the black & white effect of the photo =)

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