Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ever since the talk on sunday,my mum seems to start thinking abt wat i told her..which i think is a good thing..i really dun wish to see her always making herself unhappy in the family cos of dad & bro..think she was really surprised by me for speaking out my mind..there r times i need to let her see the facts & stop making herself miserable..its really heartbreaking to see her so unhappy till her health suffers..told her i love her n she has been a great mum so dun be too hard on herself..i think she has been talking to me in a nicer tone since then =P maybe she knows how much it hurts for me to always be the venting person whenever she's pissed with them..

Had another talk with her last nite when i got home..told me abt wat she might want to do when she feels that my bro is matured enuf to take care of himself (which i think that day wont come anytime soon) glad to hear that from her..she really need to think more for herself..she was telling me alot of stuff that dad did to hurt her ever since they were together (hearing all these from young is one of the reason i have phobia in marriage) i think she really went thru alot hardships since young..really wish she can start living for herself & be happy..women should be treasured no matter which stage of relationship they r in..

Jan sent me a few Super Junior clips to watch during lunch..they never fail to make me smile =) i really really want to watch their concert live!! anyone can grant me this wish? =P
and i juz received new songs to add to my playlist..woohoo~ =D

I think the sms he sent me last nite when he reach home from the trip was super sweet~ hehe =D

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