Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I m having a one week break before starting on the new job..i haven had any gd rest for the past few yrs..although one week is abit short, better than i spend almost everyday on my HK drama marathon..i juz cant stop on 溏心风暴..really nice wonder rated one of the top viewership show in Hong Kong for this 40 episodes, i m halfway thru the show already..cant wait to finish the discs..

Family issues r blowing up..mum has been in foul mood lately & bro hasnt been talking to dad cos we r still pissed & angry for wat happened..but there's nothing much we can do now..gotta take one step at a time..I hav been so bothered by my family issues lately that i m so could i not show any concern when he's feeling so sick..i need to adjust my mentality..cannot let family issues affect my emotions so much that i neglect loved ones feelings..


3-Seconder said...

It is natural for each of us to be insensitive. We are humans, hence, never perfect. So don't blame yourself at that ya :) I don't presume anyone can understand your situation fully. But I do hope that the day will come, that you can once smile again with confidence. Life's tough. Remembering you still have the support of all your loved ones, be strong & hopeful :) Take care

XingJuan said...

hi gal..thanks for the's heartwarming to hear encouraging words from old frens..thanks..u too muz take care & stay strong.. =)